Halloween is upon us, and I'm hiding in the computer room hoping trick or treaters will pass on by. No candy here to hand out, please don't trick me.
At scrapbooking I worked on Ashley's birthday present, an acrylic album of her engagement photos. I took some pics, and will try to post them here. It was an interesting project to make, and my first one in acrylic. You really have to think it out since it is see-through. You also have to hide the backside of each page, and make them pages unto themselves. It's fun to use all the bling, as they work well with transparent pages. It takes special inks, adhesives, and embellishments.
We also spent a great weekend with Tanya and the grandkids camping. Both Tanya and Amethyst had soccer games we enjoyed. Amethyst even made a goal! I just happen to have a video of it. She's the little blondie.
Tanya even showed us she wasn't scared to get in there and mixed it up with the boys.
Her dad hasn't lost any of his grace and agility either (see photo)!
Later the guys showed off their dutch oven talents from their recent class on the subject. We all enjoyed the culinary delights by the fire.
Overall it was a good time camping.